nendoroid of mami from madoka magica wearing a pink kimono next to charlotte, if you click this itll take you back to the homepage
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charlotte from madoka magica doing a silly face
Hello! welcome to my colors TCG page! Colors TCG is a fandom centric trading card game hosted on dreamwidth which you can find here! im very new to it so im very excited to start trading and stuff!! in this page you can find my cards, tradepile and eventually my mastered decks! lets have fun!

my dreamwidth icon
Name: sophie
Level: Red
Joined: 19/1/2025
Total cards: 30
Total trades: 0 (for now!)
Status: active
Trade me?: here!
red crayon pixel x0 orange crayon pixel x0 yellow crayon pixel x0 green crayon pixel x0 blue crayon pixel x0 purple crayon pixel x0 brown crayon pixel x0 gray crayon pixel x0

level card with chi from chobits as the cover image, it says red at the bottom a sketchpad with madoka from madomagi as the cover, it says sketchpad at the top and has 24 squares 0 of which are marked


22/1/25: traded estabul14 and wild05 for carrots07 and pretty04 on switch it up

20/1/25: traded polonaise14, kyokugen15, hemingway04 for easel01, softspoken01, canterlot01 in book of cards

20/1/25: claimed shampoodle06, gleam17, santadodoria01, silky04, raggedy13, fallenbird02, bigmo05, hushed01, 100km02, sick01 and nurses02 from the release post

19/1/25: joined colors TCG and got my first starter deck! (clodsire15, clodsire18, blush14, kyokugen15, celestial13, lovelylady20, polonaise14, estabul14)

mastered decks
none...for now!! stay tuned!
none...for now!
none...for now!